. . & EVENTS
Stanley Park Open - 2006
Meet Daniel Chu (Van) and Rebecca Marino (Van), the winners of 2006 Open Singles titles.
Daniel, above, beat Nick Coutts, 6-3, 6-3 in the final and Rebecca beat Stefi Gjine, 6-3,
6-3, for her second Stanley Park title.
Photo 1: Nick Coutts team up with
Patrick Flint to beat Jeremy Salvo and Kris
Santoso to win Men's Open Doubles title. Nick plays for the University of Utah.
Open Event
Top Seed
Men's Open Singles
Women's Open Singles
Men's Open Doubles
Women's Open Doubles
Mixed Open Doubles
Kassautzki, Graeme
Marino, Rebecca
Turek / Macken
Augustus / Kolbovic
Marino / Nott
Chu, Daniel
Marino, Rebecca
Flint / Coutts
Augustus /
/ Neveklovska
Photo 3: Daniel Chu and the family. Daniel plays for the University of Washington.
His younger brother, David, lost in the quarters
to the defending champ Graeme Kassautzki. Graeme, later was eliminated in the semis by Nick
Photo 4: Ally Muller, left, and her double's partner, Robin Guier, sought shade
under trees. It was 32-34C at the courtside on the weekend.
Photo 6: Justine Walsh, with mom, Glenice, dad, Peter and brother, Matthew; lost in
quarters to Rebecca Marino, the eventual winner of Women Singles title. Justine plays for
University of South Carolina.
The longest
match (over three hours) belongs to Sinziana Chis, left in the photo, and Monica
Neveklovska, both from West Vancouver, with Monica beating Sinziana in a close match 4-6,
6-2, 7-6. Monica lost in the semis to Stefi Gjine.
Team of
Monica and her double partner Amanad Mankovits lost in the final of Open Doubles to
Amanda Augustus and Renata Kolbovic, 6-3, 6-2, but she and her mixed double partner
Kuczer won the final of Mixed Open Doubles, beating Rebecca and West Nott 6-4, 6-3.
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