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Tips by Carl Petersen, City Sports Physio.

My Health
Physio Ball
Fast Feet
Tennis Doctor


Whether you are getting ready for a match or trying to get the most out of your hitting sessions following the advice below will help you prepared to optimize on court time.
Be Prepared
Warm up to play or practice, don't play to warm up. To optimize your on court time and get the most for your time and energy ensure that you are both physically and mentally prepared before stepping onto the court.
• Intense exercise done without a dynamic warm-up has the potential for injury.
• Proper warm-up prepares the muscles you will use in training and prepares the joints for movement and stability throughout a full range of motion.
• Start slowly and increase the intensity and complimageexity of the warm-up.
• Use tennis specific movements to help improve the relaxation-contraction coordination of the joints prime movers and stabilizers leading to more efficient movement and performance.
• On colder or windy days it is vital that you take the extra time to perform a good warm-up because a warm muscle is not only stronger but the elastic properties of it are increased allowing for better shock absorption. A two degree increase of muscle temperature can give an increase in elastic properties of the muscle by as much as 15-20 % helping to improve performance and prevent muscle strains.
• Warming up until you have a light (sweat) glow achieves this.
Pre-Court Warm-Up
Some form of warm-up should be done before hitting a single ball. Start with your walk from the car or home to the courts. If you have access to an exercise room get on the exercise bike, stair-climber or rowing machine for a few minutes. If that is not an option take a skipping rope with you and use it. Slowly but methodically warming the bodies tissues helps prevent injuries that may be caused by going too hard, too fast, too soon with cold, un-lubricated muscles and joints.

Shoulder Warm-Up
For shoulder warm-up try doing 15-20 reps. of shoulder shrugs, arm swings. These warm-ups will help to get the correct muscle sequence firing and lubricate the joint. Try doing some dynamic push ups against the fence or wall. Do 2 sets of 6 reps narrow, medium and wide. Also take your stretch cord and stretch cord pulls and rows and external rotation to warm-up the mid-scapular and post cuff muscles. Try 2-4 sets of 6-10 reps. single ball.

Ankle Warm-Up
Crazy Walks, walking on heels, toes and inside and outside of feet will help improve balance and increase lower leg strength and ankle stability. Try going for 5 metres of each. The heel walks will strengthen the tibialis anterior muscle which is important to prevent tibial stress syndrome. (shin splints)